Over the past few days attention has been directed at the refusal of the US and Australian governments to make a commitment to upgrade their climate change mitigation targets known as “nationally determined contributions” (“Polluters row back on emission targets upgrade”, Report, November 22).
Of course, given the expected trajectories of greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, it would be great if more aggressive NDCs were announced by all countries. The rather vague current plans of some countries can leave one sceptical about whether they will be met (“Dancing on the edge of climate disaster”, Opinion, November 24). Indeed, it is painless to set forth a set of aspirational goals for 30, 40 or 50 years in the future without a clear trajectory of action.
To overcome this scepticism, it is important for the public and private sectors to develop and to immediately begin implementing mitigation and adaptation action plans that are transparent and can be monitored.
As these plans are established and transformed into action, more aggressive short and long-term commitments can be realistically set.
Those who commit to long-term plans need to ensure that financing and technologies are in place to achieve these objectives, through measurable intermediate goals. As for less-developed countries, external financial help will probably be needed.
Only through actions that can be monitored will key Paris agreement goals be realised.
Sam Gutterman
Consulting Actuary, Glencoe, IL, US
Letter: Ensure proper monitoring to hit Paris climate goals
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