Letter: The CCP is bigger threat to Hong Kong’s hub status

One could argue that the main reason for Hong Kong’s hub status being threatened is not the flight ban but the de facto takeover of the city by the Chinese Communist party (“Hong Kong flight ban leaves executives stranded and threatens city’s hub status”, Report, January 10).

Why would employees of companies want to move to a city where personal freedoms are threatened daily, booksellers kidnapped, a free press shut down, sham elections conducted, and political opponents are jailed under a deliberately vague security law. It’s only a matter of time before Winnie the Pooh books are considered a national security risk.

The young in Hong Kong are already leaving as fast as they can. In the long-term, the only ones left might be the partners in the audit firms who cozied up to the CCP, and the real estate oligarchs and their rent-extracting enterprises.

Abigail Perez
Edinburgh, UK

Letter: The CCP is bigger threat to Hong Kong’s hub status
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