Letter: Kazakh unrest shows the perils of ignoring grassroots’ voices

Erica Marat argues in her excellent comment (“Kazakhstan pays the price for ignoring public discontent”, Opinion, January 12) that the country’s current crisis shows the high cost of ignoring grassroots grievances and that a broader public consensus is needed to implement the government’s ambitious reform agenda.

Examples from recent years illustrate how the government has indeed failed to respond to popular concerns and how this created conditions that led to the protests and bloodshed. Participating in peaceful public protests is not only a human right but a release valve and a means of signposting emerging issues to authorities.

But both the current and previous presidents exhibited paranoia about peaceful demonstrations, and the so-called reform of a public assembly law that was billed as making assemblies easier ended up doing the opposite. This month these policy failures exploded in the government’s face.

Similarly, technocratic reforms of trade union laws have fuelled deep frustration by making it nearly impossible for independent unions to operate.

Courageous labour activists were among those who participated in the protests on January 2.

Finally, many opposition activists were beaten or detained. Several small opposition groups have been active in recent years, but rather than allowing them a voice, the government banned them as “extremist” and jailed or convicted dozens of their alleged members. Again, a situation the government could have avoided.

With over 100 reported dead, it’s hard to talk of a possible silver lining for this crisis. But if something positive is to emerge, it is hopefully that the government learns, the hard way, that respecting human rights and listening to the voices of the grassroots is the only way forward.

Hugh Williamson
Europe and Central Asia Director
Human Rights Watch
Berlin, Germany

Letter: Kazakh unrest shows the perils of ignoring grassroots’ voices
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