Woman wants to normalize being 30: ‘thirty flirty and thriving!’

On Aug. 3, Luna (@lunaneedsanap), a 30-year-old nurse, posted a video on TikTok discussing a recent encounter she had pertaining to how old people perceive her to be versus her actual age.

“Let’s normalize the age 30, OK?” 30 isn’t old,” she says. “I had a patient and his son today, and they were like, ‘Oh, you’re so cute. You’re so youthful. You’re probably 18. I can’t believe you’re already a nurse…And I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, thank you so much. That’s such a good compliment. And I was like, ‘No, actually, I’m 30.'”

Luna says people often mistake her for being younger than she is.

“I get this a lot. And their jaws drop. They’re like, ‘Oh, I would have never thought you were 30.’ And I’m just like, ‘Yeah, no, I mean it’s OK. Like, I’d rather look young,'” she says. “And the dad, like, insisted and he was like, ‘You don’t. You act so youthful. I would have never guessed you were 30.'”

This interaction prompted Luna to question what exactly a 30-year-old is supposed to look like.

“What’s 30 supposed to look like? I mean, I have a pink car. Squishmellows in my car, and I have a camera backpack,” she says. “I mean, what’s wrong with it? Nothing’s wrong with it.”

A 2014 survey conducted by UnitedHealthcare via the Washington Post of people over the age 100 found that their 30s came up most frequently in terms of the “specific stage” of life they “remember most fondly.”

Frankly, it’s possible that being 30 doesn’t feel as old as it used to be because it seems nearly impossible to own a home, let alone a few vehicles, like it was for boomers and prior generations.

According to Bloomberg, while millennial homeownership hit 51.5% in 2022, for the first time ever, the rest “are finding it increasingly out of reach.” Still, millennials own less homes than older generations do.

“Compared with these generations, millennials have more debt, a lower net worth, and a worse chance of making more than their parents,” reported Insider. “Those factors, particularly the rise in student debt, have prevented millennials from getting a home. More than 20% of the decline in young-adult homeownership between 2005 and 2014 can be attributed to mounting student-loan debt, the Federal Reserve found in a 2019 report.”

‘I’m 29 and still feel like a teen at heart, idk what I’m doing. Completely winging this whole adult thing.’

Fellow creators have taken to Luna’s comments to reveal the ways they’re maintaining their youth in their late 20s and early 30s, regardless of what society may think.

“I just turned 30 and I still think I’m in my early 20’s,” @chanelmuhfinn wrote.

“30 flirty and thriving,” @madisen.mcghee commented, in reference to 2004’s romantic comedy “13 Going on 30.” To this Luna replied, “My literal anthem!”

“I’m 29 and still feel like a teen at heart, idk what I’m doing. Completely winging this whole adult thing,” @kellington admitted.

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Woman wants to normalize being 30: ‘thirty flirty and thriving!’
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