Taking photos for Instagram can be tricky. Thankfully, one content creator has figured out how to use iPhone’s AssistiveTouch feature to simplify the process.
When it comes to sharing tips that make everyday iPhone use easier, Gen Zers definitely don’t seem to be gatekeeping. Creators have previously taken to TikTok to reveal how to improve microphone quality in noisy surroundings and how to use FaceTime as a means of taking quality photos.
On Nov. 14, Ashlee Bock (@ashleebock) shared her highly requested tutorial for how to take photo bursts using AssistiveTouch on her iPhone.
Bock claims that prior to discovering this iPhone hack, she, like several of the creators who’ve left comments on her previous videos, used the self-timer app called Lens Buddy, which allows you to take photos without needing to hold your device.
“I just kind of found that when I used it, my images were kind of losing their quality, and the apps are auto-adjusting lighting, which is super weird,” she claims. “So I just kind of learned that I like using Burst more because the quality stays the same and the lighting stays the same.”
There are two types of influencers, says Bock: tappers and bursters. Tappers, she explains, are girls who ask you to continually tap the shutter button when taking photos of them. Bursters, on the other hand, prefer dragging the shutter button on the righthand side to capture multiple photos at once.
What’s a burst?
Burst, otherwise known as Burst mode, is an option for taking photos on your iPhone camera. According to the iPhone User Guide, taking Burst photos are helpful when you want to “capture a moving subject” or “take multiple high-speed photos” so you have a range to select from.
AssistiveTouch, on the other hand, helps users who have “difficulty touching the screen or pressing the buttons.” Instead, you can set gestures that allow for easier access to common features on the iPhone — adjusting the volume, taking a screenshot or using Apple Pay, for instance.
In Bock’s case, she creates a gesture that will let her take Burst photos without having to actually touch her iPhone.
The first step is to go to your iPhone settings and hit Accessibility. In Accessibility, you select Touch and ensure that your AssistiveTouch is on. Scroll down to the Custom Gestures option and hit Create New Gesture to get to work.
“This is where it gets kind of trial-and-error and you might have to do it a couple of times,” Bock cautions. “You’re gonna have to think about where your camera button is and that the Burst is a really quick drag. You can’t hold and drag, otherwise it’s gonna video.”
Bock then continuously does a zigzag motion with her index finger on the screen to make sure the Burst will keep going.
“If you think about how you’re gonna tap this … walk away from your tripod and go get set up and then start posting; you wanna make sure the Burst length is worth it,” she says. “I wanna try and get this to be 400 photos to make it worth it. … That sounds like a lot, but you’re probably gonna get maybe 10 good pictures out of that.”
Once you feel like your Burst is long enough, you hit Stop and then Save. After titling and creating your gesture, you “Turn On” AssistiveTouch and a little button will appear. Tap the button, hit Custom, select the Burst you created, tap the shutter button and then the Burst will automatically begin.
Saving only the photos from the Burst that you’ve favorited, adds Bock, is also an effective way to reduce storage on your iPhone.
Bock’s tutorial has gotten a ton praise from fellow TikTok users. For those that may be struggling with how to take a Burst instead of a video, Bock has one crucial piece of advice.
“Thankyou!! GAME CHANGER,” @chelsea_hamer wrote.
“Not all heroes wear capes,” @amberfoote added.
“Omg I cannot figure out how to get this to take burst and not video. Did you update any other assisted touch settings … I’m losing my mind!” @om_nikki_g commented, to which Bock replied, “Swipe to left super quickly!!”
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Gen Zer explains how to take Burst photos on iPhone using AssistiveTouch: ‘GAME CHANGER’
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